Mother Meera's Darshan Schedule:
Livestream of Mother's
End-of-Darshan Blessing
Mother is kindly allowing the live-streaming of her end-of-Darshan blessing (when she sits for a few minutes after everyone has received Darshan). Every Sunday that Mother is in Germany they will stream the video live and people can watch it for free on their own individual computers, phones, or tablets. For more information, see livestream-of-mothers-darshan and the Darshan page.
New Method to Donate
– through AmazonSmile Amazon has created an organization through which it will make donations to public charities. The new organization is called AmazonSmile. Through AmazonSmile you can make purchases as you would through Amazon, and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. Mother Meera Foundation USA is now registered with AmazonSmile, so you may now designate Mother Meera Foundation USA as the recipient. For more information please see the Donations page.
Meditation for Children
Mother Meera has announced Children's Meditation Weekends at Mother's in Balduinstein, Germany! Children from babies to 12 years are invited to attend these special programs, which will be held on Saturday and Sunday when Mother is in Germany. For dates and other details, click here. http://www.mothermeera.com/activities/children/
Email Local Ashland Volunteers: MMashland@gmail.com
Mother Meera bookstore: www.MotherMeeraBookstore.org
If you are interested in organizing Darshan with Mother Meera in your own country, state or city, please
send an email with your full name, address and telephone number to:
expressing your interest.
Also, please tell us a little bit about yourself, your occupation, and include a photo of yourself in your email.
You may contact Mother Meera by letter or by fax.
Mother will receive all letters or faxes and She will help as appropriate.
You may send letters to Mother at the following address:
Mother Meera
Oberdorf 4a
65599 Dornburg-Thalheim
You may also send a fax.
The fax number is: 011-49-6436-2361.
Mother does not send written answers to letters.
Contact Mother Meera Foundation USA: mothermeerafoundationusa.org/contact.html