Mother Meera Darshan

Tour Information

Mother Meera's Darshan Schedule


Mother's Blessing Streamed into Your Own Home

Mother is kindly allowing the live-streaming of her end-of-Darshan blessing (when she sits for a few minutes after everyone has received Darshan). Every Sunday that Mother is in Germany they will stream the video live and people can watch it for free on their own computers, phones, or tablets. For more details, please follow this link: About Blessing Over Livestream

Mother Meera Bookstore

At the Mother Meera Bookstore you will find books with Mother Meera's teachings and special items to enhance your practice, including photos, malas, a bhajan CD, incense and other reminders of Mother. All items have been blessed by Mother. Your purchases make thoughtful gifts and also help support Mother's work in the U.S.

The Purpose of Mother's Work

"The whole purpose of my work is in the calling down of the Paramatman Light and in helping people. For this I came - to open your hearts to the Light."

 "The consciousness of mankind is being prepared for great leaps and discoveries in a gentle way wherever possible.... God is giving man a great chance. Many Divine persons are here. We are showing man a way out; we are offering him the divine Light, the Divine Knowledge. We are bringing down into the consciousness of the Earth the Divine Consciousness."

"Happiness and spiritual growth are connected. Being peaceful and being happy form the most important foundation of spiritual practice. Then the practice goes by itself."