Darshan Reservations

"A realized man is like a child in the womb of the Mother, knowing he is sustained at every moment by the grace and Light of the Divine Mother."

Mother Meera darshan reservations

Darshan is free though reservations are required. Guests may attend one city only per tour. Our system only accepts reservations when a tour has been announced. 

To make a reservation, click here. 

To see Mother's tour schedule, visit: http://mothermeerafoundationusa.org/

Important Note:
 Tour dates can change and Mother has postponed tours in the past. Please check this website regularly after you make a reservation for important updates and information. Although we will attempt to notify you of changes or cancellations at the email address you have provided, we cannot guarantee that our email notification will reach you. Therefore, please be sure to check this website at least one week prior to your event to confirm your Darshan session remains scheduled. 

To sign up to be on the mailing list, click here. 

Mother Meera
Darshan in Colorado
Darshan Reservations
MM Home in Colorado

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