Dear Mother, this is the first letter I’m writing to you.

Dear Mother,

This is the first letter I’m writing to you.

Unfortunately I could only attend your Darshan twice. Nevertheless, through everything I have read about you and in the book “Answers”, I feel inspired to ask You for help. Thanks for that. I started to write this letter a few weeks ago and realize now that I have already received help for many of the things I wanted to ask You! I thank You so much for that!

What a great opportunity…

What a great opportunity for anyone in the area. The future will record the silent and powerful work she has been doing for years under the radar. The great ones don’t need praise they are here to do Divine work. They could care less if you like them or not, agree with them or not, support them or not, all they care about is the work they have been given to perform by the Divine Creator.

Our daughter age 6 attended the Santa Fe Darshan Oct 14th, 2019

Our daughter age 6 attended the Santa Fe Darshan Oct 14th, 2019.
The next night she dreamed of having Darshan in the exact same place in the same way she received Darshan at the El Dorado Hotel but in her dream after Darshan Mother Meera hugged her. She asked me repeatedly to write this experience to Mother Meera. She says that she loves Mother Meera and calls Her “Meera Maa”
Our entire family has been transformed by Mother Meera, Thank You Mother, We bow in devotion to the Divine, in service of the Divine.

I recently meet Mother Meera for the first time…

I recently meet Mother Meera for the first time in Chicago. I came to know of her a few years back when one of her books appeared in my life. I was captured by her eyes and smile and felt there was something very special about her. I prayed to her many, many times over the last few years and longed to meet her but was never able to travel to Germany. Much relief came to me from the many prayers to her for some enormous challenges in my life. I was so happy to finally get to meet her in the U.S.

My experience with her in Chicago was wonderful. It was so peaceful and serene. I closed my eyes and meditated while she gave individual blessing and darshan to the audience. I felt as if I was separating from my body. I felt so light, so very, very quiet inside and felt as if there was a little more time, I would leave my body altogether. It was a profound stillness that felt amazing. I wish I could have gone further with the experience.

The second experience I had, was as she was exiting the room, I suddenly heard the vina playing. It was so subtle and soft but clearly there. I turned and asked my husband if he could hear it. He could not. It was quite unexpected but so beautiful. I felt as if heaven was singing.
My meditation was particularly good for the few days after being in her presence.
Hope I can meditate at her feet again.

Thank you Dear Mother Meera for sharing your love and grace with me.
I am so undeserving but so, so grateful.